Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare and How It Caused Germany to Lose WWI

Unhindered Submarine Warfare and How It Caused Germany to Lose WWI Unhindered submarine fighting is the act of utilizing submarines to assault and sink all types of foe delivering, regardless of whether they are military or regular citizen. It is most firmly connected with the First World War when Germany’s choice to utilize USW carried the US into the war and prompted their thrashing. The Blockades of World War 1 In the development to the First World War, Germany and Britain were associated with a maritime race to perceive what number of greater and better warships could be made. At the point when this war started, many anticipated that the subsequent naval forces should cruise out and take on an incredible maritime conflict. Truth be told, this just at any point nearly occurred at Jutland, and that was uncertain. The British realized that their naval force was the main piece of their military who could lose the war in an evening and chose not to utilize it in a gigantic fight however to bar all the transportation courses to Germany and attempt to starve their adversary into accommodation. To do so they held onto the delivery of unbiased nations and caused a great deal of upset, yet Britain had the option to mitigate raised a ruckus come to concurrences with these impartial nations. Obviously, Britain had the preferred position, as it was among Germany and the Atlantic transportation courses, so US buys were adequately sliced off.Germany likewise chosen to barricade Britain, however in addition to the fact that they caused upset they caused their own decimation. Essentially, the German above ocean armada was confined to feline and mouse activities, yet their submarines were advised to go out and barricade the British by halting any Atlantic exchange contacting them. Lamentably, there was one issue: the Germans had greater and preferred submarines over the British, who were in reverse in understanding their latent capacity, however a submarine can’t effectively board and sail off a vessel like the British boats were doing. The Germans accordingly started sinking the boats coming to Britain: foe, impartial, regular citizen the same. Unlimited submarine fighting, in light of the fact that there were no limitations on who to sink. Mariners were biting the dust, and hypothetically unbiased countries like the US were livid.In the essence of restriction from the neutrals (like the US who took steps to join the war), and requests from German government officials for the submarines to be managed, the Germans changed strategies. Unlimited Submarine Warfare In mid 1917, Germany still hadn’t won the war and there was an impasse on the war zones of Western Europe. In any case, Germany realized they were out creating the partners when it came to submarines were all the while having accomplishment with their progressively cautious strategy. Central leadership pondered: on the off chance that we started unhindered Submarine fighting once more, could our bar power Britain to give up before the US had the option to announce war and get their soldiers over the oceans? It was an extraordinarily dangerous arrangement, however German falcons accepted they could starve Britain out in a half year, and the US wouldn’t make it in time. Ludendorff, reasonable leader of Germany, settled on the choice, and in February 1917 unlimited submarine fighting began.At first, it was wrecking, and as provisions in Britain dwindled the leader of the British Navy told his administration they couldn't endure. However, at that point two things occurred. The British started utilizing the escort framework, a strategy utilized in Napoleonic occasions yet embraced now to assemble voyaging ships into extreme gatherings, and the US entered the war. The escorts made misfortunes lessen, German submarine misfortunes expanded, and the apparition of US troops at last broke the German will to proceed after their last gamble in mid 1918 (a move which happened as the Germans attempted a last land strategy before the US showed up in power). Germany needed to give up; Versailles followed.â What would it be advisable for us to think about unhindered submarine fighting? This relies on what you accept would have occurred on the Western Front had the US not submitted officers to it. From one viewpoint, by the effective associated assaults of 1918 US troops hadnt showed up in their uber millions. In any case, on the other, it took the news that the US was coming to keep the Western partners working in 1917. On the off chance that you needed to nail it to one thing just, unlimited submarine fighting lost Germany the war in the west, thus the entire war.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Use of Mise

The Use of Mise-en-Scene Transformers and Bad Boys II Essay Transformers and Bad Boys II were both coordinated by Michael Bay. Transformers is a sci-fi film about enormous human-like robots who come to earth from space. Awful Boys II is a film around two cops who are on the medication team in Miami. Chief Bay uses mise-en-scene diversely in the two movies. Anyway there are a couple of likenesses with each. He likewise utilizes a wide assortment of camera shots, lighting, and points in each film to depict various things. Each film has an alternate type so Mr. Narrows utilizes various methods in each to pass on the message he is attempting to send the watcher. We will compose a custom exposition on The Use of Mise-en-Scene Transformers and Bad Boys II explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Through breaking down the mise-en-scene utilized in each movie we can comprehend what the chief is attempting to show the watcher. The scene I am going to use from Transformers is where the Autobots initially get together with Sam and Mikayla in a back rear entryway. This scene starts with Sam and Mikayla entering a back rear entryway from one heading and the Autobots entering the rear entryway from the other course. The plan of this scene is equivocal. It is set around evening time and in a back rear entryway that is faintly lit with bunches of smoke and articles to block the viewer’s see. I feel like the chief utilized this methodology since he needed to manufacture tension for the primary shot of the Transformers on the big screen. He realized the watchers would be on edge to see these enormous machines change just because and needed to work however much tension as could reasonably be expected up until that second when the watcher would first be able to see the what they looked like and the size of the Transformers contrasted with people. The piece of this scene is to such an extent that the chief needs to show the size of the Transformers contrasted with people. One piece of the scene is shot from behind Sam and Mikayla as they admire a completely changed Optimus Prime. Starting here of View you can see exactly how huge the Transformers are contrasted with that of Sam and Mikayla. Additionally, Optimus is remaining in the middle of two structures and you can tell that he is at any rate 30 to 40 feet tall since his head is 3 or 4 stories up the structure. The executive uses the casing in these shots to show the watchers the sheer size of the Transformer Optimus Prime. Through indicating the watcher his size the chief shows how amazing and very much regarded these characters ought to be in this film. He additionally shows Optimus’ size contrasted with that of the different Autobots. Since Optimus is a lot taller and the first to address Sam and Mikayla the executive shows that Optimus is the pioneer of the Autobots. The scene I browsed Bad Boys II was after the Miami PD and DEA bust the vehicle of joy in the Miami harbor. The miscreants happen to catch Marcus’ sister simultaneously and return her via plane to their fortress in Cuba. During the flight the trouble maker calls Marcus to set up a switch between his medications and Marcus’ sister. The structure of this scene is intense and significant. It starts with a nearby shot of Marcus getting the call from the trouble maker. This shows the watcher that Marcus is a significant piece of this segment of the film. The scene at that point hops to inside the plane where the trouble maker has Marcus’ sister and is conversing with Marcus via telephone. At the point when the trouble maker is appeared in the scene he is being shot starting from the earliest stage. .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5 , .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5 .postImageUrl , .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5 .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5 , .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5:hover , .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5:visited , .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5:active { border:0!important; } .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5:active , .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5:hover { darkness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relative; } .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content embellishment: underline; } .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ud42aa 1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ud42aa1a165220ea63ff3d91a6b2342c5:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Movie Review - Taken 3 EssayThis shows the watcher that he is a ground-breaking character and that what he says to Marcus ought not be messed with. Additionally, the trouble makers ensemble is that of a businessperson with a decent suit. This shows not exclusively is the character monetarily ready to do whatever is important to get what he needs, yet additionally that he is a smart man equipped for various things; regardless of whether positive or negative. The structure of this shot chiefly shows the connection between the two primary characters, Marcus and Mike. As the scene advances it shows Marcus holding up. This shows the watcher that what the miscreant is telling Marcus is critical and upsetting to him. The scene at that point pivots over before Marcus and shows Mike likewise staying strong with a concerned look as he attempts to comprehend what’s going on with his accomplice. This not just shows the bond between the two accomplices, yet it additionally shows that Mike has Marcus’ back regardless of how huge the conditions. When Marcus hangs up the telephone and says to Mike â€Å"shit just got real,† the concerned look on Mikes face shows all you have to think about the affection shared between these two characters. As should be obvious Michel Bay had the option to utilize mise-en-scene in manners that indicated precisely what he was attempting to depict to the watchers. Albeit both these movies classes are totally different, Director Bay utilized a considerable lot of similar qualities all through both of these movies. Obviously, that is the thing that makes every chief one of a kind is that they like to utilize certain shots and procedures for each movie that they direct. Through simply these two shots it very well may be perceived how much mise-en-scene intends to every single film made today.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Effects of Film on Driving Behaviour

Impacts of Film on Driving Behavior Broad communications Society Jeremy Philip Monteiroâ  Imbert Narumanan Sebastian Lim Jit Shern Substance page (Jump to) Presentation We led an examination on understudies here in Tunku Abdul Rahman University-College Penang to check whether a film could influence their driving conduct. We chose the film, The Fast The Furious. The decision of film is chosen on the grounds that the film itself is includes rapid pursues and dashing with vehicles that are changed to stretch itself as far as possible. The film itself is an activity and furthermore a spine chiller; it was discharged in 2001 and coordinated by Rob Cohen and appropriated by Universal Pictures. The fundamental cast of the film are Vin Diesel and Paul Walker; Walker plays as a covert cop who must stop a group of criminals who are driven by Diesel. Brian gets include with the thieves and experiences passionate feelings for Diesel’s sister and must decide to be an assistant in Diesel’s plan or pass up capturing him and his group. All through the film there will be struggle, some family arranged scenes yet its fundamental spotlight are on the adr enaline-hurrying quick vehicles. This examination was done on undergrads, explicitly in TARUC Penang. There were around 30 understudies who were approached to be talked with utilizing a readied set of inquiries. The meeting was directed casually as it would make the interviewee increasingly agreeable just as to invigorate open finished answers as opposed to close finished. The thought is to check whether these undergrads who have viewed the film influenced in any case as far as driving. The title of our exploration is â€Å"Do motion pictures influence students’ driving? An audit on The Fast The Furious. Writing Review The hypothesis that is utilized in this examination is the Media Effects hypothesis. Media Effect hypothesis clarifies as how the media can influence the general public and how the general public can influence the media. The idea of this hypothesis depends on both the media just as the general public. Anyway there are a few ramifications that are contrary made of this hypothesis which is stating that individuals attempt to follow precisely with regards to what they see. For example, â€Å"copycat murder† that occurred in 2004 when a kid was killed by his closest companion and the game ‘Manhunt’ was in a split second restricted due the style of homicide was accept to be like the game. The hypothesis characterizes sentimental hysteria corresponding to portrayals of sex, viciousness and degenerate conduct and its alleged consequences for youth. Sentimental hysteria is the inclination that the circumstance is wild here and there, and along these lines speaks to a danger to the ethical request. The media impacts hypothesis was right off the bat proposed by the Frankfurt School of social scientists in the 1920’s from people’s response to Nazi promulgation. The hypodermic model clarifies that the media resembles a medication that society might be dependent on, expressing that the crowd are powerless to guard themselves against the media and simply carry on inactively. This hypothesis is very like the Social Learning hypothesis by Bandura where a considered made on 2 gatherings of kids who are presented to the brutal substance on TV and the other gathering is presented to the positive substance. Afterward, the two gatherings were given a doll and the gathering who were presented to the fierce substance responded brutally towards the doll. This confirms youngsters may carry on as indicated by what they see or presented to. Research The motivation behind this examination is to see whether a film, for example, The Fast The Furious could possibly be an effect or impact the driving in any capacity. So as to guarantee that the data we use in this exploration is precise and dependable, we chose to utilize an essential research technique to acquire our outcomes. Which is to meet our respondents eye to eye and accumulate their input. The possibility of a meeting is to acquire a subjective research which is in plan to get inside and out responses to the inquiries. The intended interest group were chosen indiscriminately in school and the greater part of them were from the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities. In light of the idea of the film, we could expect that the makers of the establishment were focusing on youngsters and youthful grown-ups. In this way we have chosen to meet our kindred school mates for this exploration. Besides, most the understudies in TARUC have quite recently gotten their driving permit and are encountering unaided driving just because. Our group includes picked 30 people inside the grounds and moved toward them in the container, the library and the anteroom. The following are the ten inquiries that were set up for the meeting: Have you watched The Fast and the Furious? Where did you watch the film? What's your opinion of the film? How frequently have you viewed the film? Do you think the film impacts your driving style? How? Subsequent to viewing the film, do you see yourself endeavoring to duplicate the tricks you have seen? Which scene in the film would you say had an effect on your driving? Do you think it is risky or safe to imitate the driving from the film? In the wake of viewing the film would you say that your driving capacities have improved? Do you feel that the film can assume a job by they way you drive? These ten inquiries are made explicitly to see how the understudy thinks or feel in the wake of viewing the film, particularly to check whether the film has rolled out an improvement on their driving capacities and in the event that they know about it. We observed what the 30 people had replied and assessed them. Discoveries In light of the inquiries above, we have discovered that every one of the 30 respondents have addressed that they have viewed the film previously. Since it being an old film that was discharged in 2001, greater part of understudies addressed that they have watch the film on TV. Anyway there were a minority that had addressed film. Greater part of understudies had addressed that they imagine that the film is a decent and engaging film which falls as a positive audit. Anyway a minority of them had additionally addressed that the film appears to be an unreasonable and terrible film which infers as a negative audit. To the inquiry above, larger part of understudies addressed once and minority of them had addressed twice. In light of the inquiry over, each of the 30 understudies who have viewed the film asserts that they are unaffected by the film. To address 6, just 2 understudies addressed â€Å"yes† what other place lion's share of them addressed that they will don't see themselves needing to duplicate the tricks they find in the film. As to address 7, dominant part of understudies asserted the there is no scene pertinent. Be that as it may, a minority of 6% addressed the hustling scene had an effect on their driving. In view of the inquiry, every one of the 30 understudies have addressed that it is hazardous to impersonate the driving from the film. Concurring the graph above, minority of understudies guaranteed that their driving capacities have improved in the wake of viewing the film. Nonetheless, greater part of them said that the film didn't improve their driving capacities. In view of the last inquiry, greater part of understudies feel that the film doesn't assume a job by they way they drive today and a minority of 23% said that it does. End We’ve discovered that the leading exploration isn’t a simple assignment and sets aside effort to create result. We likewise discover that most understudies think that its difficult to create quality answers as they rather give brief answers. From the discoveries above, we can find that the impact brought upon by a film has not influenced the driving style of undergrads in our grounds. This is exclusively founded on their answers obviously; anyway we can't truly demonstrate right now on the off chance that it has produced a results Most understudies saw the film as fun and engaging yet anyway figure out how to understood that the film is unreasonable and know about the perils include if they somehow managed to follow what they find in the film. In spite of having great in general audits of the profoundly activity pressed scenes from the film itself, understudies find that tricks facilitated in the film is somewhat hazardous and unquestionably won't be endeavored in their day by day driving daily practice. To put it plainly, in light of most of answers we assembled, after a viewing the film, The Fast The Furious, understudies at Tunku Abdul Rahman University-College are not influenced by it. Catalog/References Neal H.M (Producer), Rob Cohen (Director) (2001).The Fast and the Furious[Motion picture]. US: Universal Pictures (Distributor). Martyn Shuttleworth(Jul 5, 2008). Overview Research Design. Recovered Nov 22, 2014 from inquire about structure Robson, C. (2002)Real world research: An asset for social researchers and professional specialists, Oxford, Blackwell. Biagi, S. (2012). Media sway: a prologue to broad communications (tenth ed.). CA: Thomson/Wadsworth. Vivian, J. (2012). The media of mass correspondence (eleventh ed.). Singapore: Pearson. Burton, G. (2005). Media and society: Critical point of view. New York: Open University Press. Krish, S. J. (2006). Kids, young people, and media savagery: A basic gander at the exploration. CA: Sage Publication. Reference section Review 1 Have you viewed the film The Fast and the Furious previously? Indeed Where did you viewed the film? I watched it on TV, one of the Astro film channels. What's your opinion about the film? Fast paced and engaging activity film, But like all activities motion pictures, it is loaded up with unreasonable activity arrangements, including vehicles for the most part, and brutality. How often have you viewed the film? Twice. Do you think the film impacts your driving style? In what ways? No, the move didn't impact my driving style. In the wake of viewing the film, do see yourself endeavoring to imitate the tricks you’ve seen? No. What scene in the film would you say had an effect the most on your driving? No scene specifically as I might suspect the whole film didn't have

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Compare and Contrast Essay of Mice and Men - Free Essay Example

Compare and contrast essay Of Mice and Men The Story Of Mice and Men is about two buddies that go on to find work or any kind of income. The only problem is that lennie, one of the main characters, has a mental disability. Thankfully George, the other main character also lennie’s best friend, is around to help lennie. In the story more characters come into play including a nice old man named candy who has been working on the farm for many years. Like George candy has to take care of his old dog that he raised from a pup. Unfortunately one of Candy’s so called buddies took the dog out and shot him for the dogs own good. In the end George also loses his closest pal. Through the story George and candy have some similarities and differences. Similarities between George and candy are so similar that you would probably mistake them for the same character. One of the main similarities is that George and Candy both just want to get away and â€Å"live off the land. † In the story George proposes that Candy, Lennie and him go away and just forget all their problems, George of course would let lennie tend to the rabbits. When Candy here’s of the plan he wants in after he lived his life working for another man. Since they both just wanted to get away and felt the need to just leave George grew closer to candy friend wise. Ever since the plan was made they just could not wait including Candy which almost asked every time he and George met. Now in the story Candy and George both loose someone close to them. As you may or may not know loosing someone close to you hurts you a lot. Giving Candy in his old age loosing probably his only thing to a family or a relationship he felt very depressed. Although it may be funny to some that comparing George having to shoot his best pal Lennie in the back they both equally felt the pain. You can tell at the end when George kills lennie Candy then accepts George’s loss. George and Candy then gro w in their friendship when they both realize to advance in life you need to make hard decisions that may be involving another person’s life. Now in the story there are many similarities between candy and George besides there need to get away and deal with hard choices in life. But no matter what character there are always some differences. One of the differences between the characters George and Candy is that candy likes to think ahead and plan for his future while George on the other hand would rather make a dream and fulfill it as soon as possible. A sample would be when George first proposed the plan that they shall live on their own farm making their own money Candy thought George was crazy. But when George showed that he was serious Candy joined right on board. Showing that It took some time for Candy to agree because he thought about how it would affect his life when George just went on the same road till his dream was fulfilled. In the end there are some similari ties and some differences just how it was meant to be. Nothing will ever be the exact same no matter what you are comparing. Anything like comparing Coke to Pepsi or flat screen and a tube TV nothing will ever be the exact same. In the end I guess that the characters are more alike than different or the opposite depending on how you are viewing them. Overall though Candy and George look like they will have a bright future together no matter on how alike or how different they are.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Unit 22 Essay - 2299 Words

BTEC Extended Diploma in Music Unit 22: Music Performance Session Styles You are to recognise 3 genre of music and evaluate that style with the aim of performing that style accurately. P1 Explain the fundamental stylistic elements of a wide range of musical genres. You will understand the stylistic elements across a wide range of musical genres Reggae Reggae is most easily recognized by the rhythmic accents on the off-beat, usually played by guitar or piano (or both), known as the skank. This pattern accents the second and fourth beat in each bar (or the ands of each beat depending on how the music is counted) and combines with the drums emphasis on beat three to create a unique feel and sense of phrasing in contrast to most†¦show more content†¦So if you’re counting in 4/4 time and counting 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +, you would play a down stroke on the and part of the beat. A musical figure known as skank or the bang .has a very dampened, short and scratchy chop sound, almost like a percussion instrument. Sometimes a double chop is used when the guitar still plays the off beats, but also plays the following 8th beats on the up-stroke. Horn sections are frequently used in reggae, often playing introductions and counter-melodies. Instruments included in a typical reggae horn section include saxophone, trumpet or trombone. In more recent times, real horns are sometimes replaced in reggae by synthesizers or recorded samples. The horn section is often arranged around the first horn, playing a simple melody or counter melody. The first horn is usually accompanied by the second horn playing the same melodic phrase in unison, one octave higher. The third horn usually plays the melody an octave and a fifth higher than the first horn. The horns are generally played fairly softly, usually resulting in a soothing sound. However, sometimes punchier, louder phrases are played for a more up-tempo and aggressive sound. Harmonically, the music is essentially the same as any modern popular genre with a tendency to make use of simple modal chord progressions. For example: I - bVII7 and I - ii - iii - ii are both common progressions in reggae and both examples of the kind of chord structures used in modal jazz. The vocals in reggaeShow MoreRelatedUnit 22, P32201 Words   |  9 PagesBTEC National Diploma in Health and Social Care Unit 22: Research Methodology Task 1: P3 Introduction: In this assignment I am going to be creating a table comparing the different research methodologies in health and social care. Research methods are â€Å"the various specific tools or ways data can be collected and analysed, e.g. a questionnaire, interview, etc.† (Neville, C, 2007). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Evaluating Historical Views of Leadership Essay - 1194 Words

Evaluating Historical Views of Leadership March 9, 2014 University of Phoenix Evaluating Historical Views of Leadership This paper evaluates the leadership views of Plato, Aristotle, Lao-Tzu, and Machiavelli from the point of view of the modern military leader. The process of evaluation includes an examination of the commonalities and disparities between these views of leadership. The paper explores a definition of modern military leadership. The paper includes an assessment of the suitability of each of the aforementioned leadership views to be models for modern military leadership. Modern Military Leadership The stereotype of the drill sergeant in basic training is not the leadership described in this section.†¦show more content†¦Imagination, gift for teamwork, convincing professional qualities, better than average intelligence, and good management abilities are all requirements for military leadership (Mann, 2000). Plato’s View Plato (1901) in his The Republic described the evils of democracy which lead to anarchy (as cited in Wren, 2013). The solution to the potential anarchy is the establishments of leaders who have the nature of leadership. All others are followers. The elect have qualities of a good memory and a quick study of learning to be noble, find the truth, justice, courage, temperance, and to know kindred (Plato, 1901, as cited in Wren, 2013). This view of leadership separates the leadership class and the follower class. The perfection of a leader comes with years of education (Plato, 1901, as cited in Wren, 2013). Aristotle’s View Aristotle (1900) believed a leader must first be a follower and the leader must excel over the followers (as cited in Wren, 2013). Aristotle (1900) continued with a leader is a good man and should consider the souls of men when creating laws (as cited in Wren, 2013). Lao-Tzu’s View Lao-Tzu believed the wise leader is (a) selfless, (b) works without complaint, (c) is unbiased (does not play favorites) and (d) has a policy nonintervention (Heider, 1985, as cited in Wren, 2013). Additionally, Lao-Tzu suggested that the group can lead itself having the presence ofShow MoreRelatedEvaluating Historical Views Of Leadership Paper LDR1080 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ Evaluating Historical Views of Leadership James Rankin University of Phoenix Evaluating Historical Views of Leadership The process of evaluating historical aspects of leadership involved critically analyzing the commonalities and disparities among a group of influential leaders, such as Thomas Carlyle, Mohandas Gandhi, Niccolo Machiavelli and W.E.B Du Bois. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Decisions Sustainability Accounting and Accountability

Question: Discuss about the Business Decisions for Sustainability Accounting and Accountability. Answer: Introduction Boral limited company is the global construction and manufacture material firm, which head office in the Sydney, Australia. Due to the competitive position, it has a leading market position in construction and building material in Australia. It is a joint venture Company which ties with the USG Boral in the USA. It is the largest construction building supplier that operates in all states and territories. In the Australia country, Boral resources include the material, mine goods, blacktop, cement, roof tiles, bricks, plasterboard, timber and building material to construct infrastructure, housing creation, and business construction. In Australia, Boral had 8,356 permanent corresponding human resources who work over the 550 construction plants (Boral Limited, 2015). Boral mainly focuses on dealing with its customers in the building and construction industries. There are different geographical market where Boral operates named Australia, the USA, and Asia. There are distinct competitors of Boral limited in building and construction industry such as CSR Limited, Aggregate Industries plc, RMC Group plc, Fletcher Building Limited, James Hardie Industries Limited, and Holcim Ltd (Financial times, 2016). This report presents the financial condition of the Boral limited. This report evaluates the different types of financial statements that are used to analyze the financial strength of the company. These financial reports are statement of financial position, profit and loss statement, and cash inflow and outflow report. This report also provides the recommendations to improve the financial position of the company. Comparative financial analysis of the Boral Limited Statement of Financial Position A statement of financial position is defined as the financial report that reviews the resources, debts, and investors equity of the company at the particular time period. Three segment of balance sheet provides the information to investors regarding the company like what the firms possess and be obligated together with the fund that is spends through the investors. Further, statement of financial position highlights the financial position of a company at the fiscal year (Amiram, et al., 2015). The following table represented the comparative analysis of Boral limited: Current assets are the liquid assets of the company that can be converted within the one year and within the operating cycle period. Current assets (CA) involves the cash and cash equivalents, stock, prepaid expenses, marketable securities, account receivables, and other liquid resources which are quickly turn into liquid form (Zadek, et al., 2013). Furthermore, non-current resources are durable investments of a company, which generates economic benefits over long periods but, they must be depreciated over their useful lives. Noncurrent resources included investments in other corporations, intangible resources like goodwill, brand recognition, and intellectual possessions, and land, place, and equipment (Baiman, 2014). It is demonstrated on the company's balance sheet. On the other side, current liabilities are the liabilities of the company, which owe within a accounting period and also show in statement of financial position of the firm. It includes the temporary liabilities, accounts owed, accumulated liabilities, and other amount overdue. Moreover, noncurrent debts are durable financial debts or liabilities, which are demonstrated on a company's balance sheet and to be paid in more than one accounting year (Ma, et al., 2016). These non-current debts are durable loans, bonds owed and long-standing lease debts. Besides this, stockholders' equity is another element to the statement of financial position that shows the companys funds that obtained by its shareholders from issuing the shares. This part of balance sheet includes the paid-in capital, contributes capital, and retained earnings (Maher, et al., 2012). It depicted stake equity that presently detained on the account through the company's ordinary shareholders. The above table shows that total current asset has increased from -9.09% to 4.61% in the year of 2014 to 2015. It indicated that Boral limited has sufficient amount of capital such as cash with additional equivalent resources, which turn by company into liquid form within a accounting period. Moreover, total non-current assets are also increased from -13.17% to 5.89% in the year of 2014 to 2015. It indicates that Boral limited has an adequate amount of capital that provides long-term benefits to the company as compared to the previous year. Moreover, total current liabilities has decreased from -0.35% to -21.11% in 2014 to 2015. It indicates that company is more willing to pay its debts within the one accounting period as compared to past year. At the same time, long-term liabilities has increased from -43.37% to 36.25% (Boral Limited, 2014). It shows that Boral limited is unable to meet its noncurrent liabilities as compared to the preceding accounting year. Further, above table depicted that total stockholders equity has risen from 1.33% to 5.26% in 2014 to 2015. It exemplified that Boral limited had received much amount of capital from its equity shareholders as compared to an earlier period. Thus, it is stated that companys financial condition is sound because it has sufficient amount of current asset and noncurrent asset. Further, the company pays its short-term obligation on the given time period but, Boral limited need to make effective policy to accomplish the noncurrent liabilities. Stockholders Equity Stockholders' equity is the owners' residual claim after the debts have been paid. Shareholder equity included the paid-in capital, retained earnings, common stock; add other wide-ranging earnings, and reserves stock. Paid-in-capital is the amount, which company has obtained when issuing the common share (Henderson, et al., 2015). Besides this, retained earnings are the surplus amount of net income that the company has earned from the time. But, it has not distributed to shareholders as dividends. The company cannot be paid dividends to its common stockholders until all preferred stock dividends are paid in full because they are the owners of the company. Additionally, treasury stock is the amount that spent by the company to repurchase but not withdraws its own shares of capital stock (Horngren, et al., 2012). Below table demonstrated the % increases or decreases in stockholders equity of Boral limited: According to the above table, it is evaluated that common stock of the company has declined from 2% to -5% in 2014 to 2015. It is unfavorable for the company. It indicates that companys equity shareholders are not interested in investing the capital in its common stock. Further, it is stated that companys retained earning has increased from 9% to 15% in 2014 to 2015. It illustrated that company gets more surplus income from its assets. Statement of Profit and Loss Profit and loss report is defined as the financial report of the company which shows its financial performance over the particular accounting period. This statement states the business summary such as its revenue and expense that obtained by the working and non- working actions. This income statement also demonstrates the net income and losses that gained by the company over the particular accounting period (Flamholtz, 2012). There are main five elements of the profit and loss report named overall working revenues, the COGS, total operating expense, non-working gain or losses, and EPS (Bebbington, et al., 2014). Total operating revenues define as the revenue (sales) that is generated from the day-to-day business activities of the company. It means revenue is created by the company from selling its products and services. This is the essential for every organization to expand its business because these sales are carried on from one year to the next year (Weygandt, et al., 2015). Moreover, the cost of goods sold is the expenses that are a feature of the company to construct the goods sold. These costs are the material costs and direct labor costs, which are used by the company to sale of its goods in inventory. Total expenses are another element of the income statement that is the total amount of the COGS and working costs (Edwards, 2013). In this way, operating expenses include all costs associated with the company operation. In addition to this, non-operating activities expenses (extraordinary item) are the material expense or revenue item, which is characterized by both its extraordinary nature and irregularity of event. For instance, an extraordinary gain or extraordinary loss obtained by the company from selling its building. On the other side, non-operating profits are segment of firms income, which has incurred by those actions that are not associated to its core business process (Cao, et al., 2015). This income is included as the share profits, profits and losses from investments, gains or losses that are incurred due to foreign exchange, asset write-downs and other non-operating revenues and expenses. Moreover, earnings per share (EPS) is the another element of the income statement. It shows the dollars of net income which has earned by the company in a specific accounting period (Cortesi, et al., 2015). It demonstrates the companys per share of its common stock and is also known as ordinary shares. The following table illustrated the % increase or decrease in different segments of the income statement of Boral limited: From the above table, it is determined that total operating revenue has declined from 4% to -1% in 2014 to 2015. Because the company is less efficient to sell its product and services as compared to an earlier period so, it obtains less revenue from business operating activities. Further, the cost of goods sold has declined from 3% to -3% in 2014 to 2015. Because the company uses cost reduction tools in manufacturing and construct the design (Needles and Crosson, 2013). Further, company eliminates the wastage from manufacturing process such as overproduction, waiting time, and transportation costs, excess inventory, and unnecessary activity. Additional, the above table depicts that total expenses have shown a fall of 5% in 2015 as compared to 2014 (Boral Limited, 2015). In contrast to this, total expenses show the negative balance of 7% in 2014 as compared to 2013 which shows that the company has tried to cut down its expenses in 2015 (Boral Limited, 2013). Additionally, non-operating income has reduced 81% in 2015 as compared to 2014. In oppose to this, the income of non-operating activities has increased 10% in 2014 as compared to the earlier year. Because, the company obtains less dividend and losses from investment so, income has declined from extraordinary items. On the other side, earning per common share has declined from 36% to 20% in 2014 to 2015. It indicates that net income of the company has decreased in 2015 as compared to 2014 which shows that the profitability of the company was good in 2014. Statement of Cash Flow The cash flow statement (CFS) allows shareholders to understand the companys operating, financing and investing activities. Cash flow from operating activities (CFO) is the first element of CFS which represents the amount of capital that carry out by the company in ongoing activities, ordinary business activities like manufacturing and selling commodities or providing services. It does not entail the long-term capital and investment costs (Drury, 2013). CFO mainly measures the companys ability to generate the cash from its core operations excluding the ability to raise capital and purchase assets. CFO activities consider the cash inflows and outflows of the company that generates by main business activities like to buy and sell goods, and provide services (Collier, 2015). It also involves modification in WC like rising or declining stock, temporary debt, accounts receivable and accounts owed. On the other side, cash flow from financing activities is another element of CFS that accounts for external activities. This activity allows the company to boost the funds and repay shareholders like issue cash dividends, change advances and issue more stocks (Beatty, and Liao, 2014). This activity helps investors to understand the financial strength of the company. Moreover, Cash flow from investing activities is the another item on the CFS, which states the cumulative modification in the cash flow of the corporation like any gains (or losses) from investments in the monetary markets and operating subsidiaries (Demski, 2013). Further, cash position changes due to investments in capital assets like plant and equipment. Additionally, cash flow is the total amount of cash and cash equivalents that move into and out the business. In this way, favorable cash flow statement shows the liquid asset of the company has increased and also the company is enabled to settle its debts (Entwistle, 2015). Further, the company can reinvest in its business, the return to the shareholders are increased, pay expenses and get the buffer to overcome the future financial challenges. In oppose to this, unfavorable cash flow represents that liquid assets of the company have declined (Crosson and Needles, 2013). Cash flow is used by the investors to assess the quality income of the company. It also shows the liquid or solvent position of the company. From the above table, it can be depicted that net cash inflow is declined 18% in 2015 as compared to previous year. On the other side, net cash inflow has increased 64% as compared to 2013. It shows that company generates less cash inflow from operating activities in 2015 as compared to 2014. Furthermore, net cash inflow from financing activities has declined from 216% to -52% in the year of 2014 to 2015. It indicates that companys ability has declined to generate cash flow from financing activities in 2015 as compared to an earlier period. Moreover, cash flow from investing activities is negative (i.e. -121%) in 2015 which shows that company is less efficient to obtain the cash from investing activities. Besides this, net cash flow has declined -50% in 2015 as compared to 2014, which shows that company is less profitable, and also unable to maintain the liquidity position. Conclusion From the above interpretation, it is concluded that companys financial position is sound because it has sufficient amount of capital to run the operation cycle. It is stated that company enables to pay its short-term obligations. Further, it has a non-current asset but it is less efficient to pay its noncurrent liabilities. On the other side, it is summarized that companies retain earning has risen but still, it was unable to pay more dividend to its shareholders. Besides this, it is concluded that Boral limited is less profitable because its revenue is less and expenses are high. Furthermore, it is said that Boral limited unable to generate the cash inflow from its operating financing, and investing activities. As a result, its cash position or liquidation position is not good as compared to previous year. Recommendation It is recommended that company should improve its operating cycle period that takes the time to turn inventory into the cash. It can be an effective policy to pay long term debts or noncurrent liabilities. Additional, it is suggested that company should reinvest its retained earnings in other business to obtain the profit. Through this, it can distribute the more dividends to their shareholders. Further, the company should decline its expenses by making the effective policies that will be effective to increase the profit (Weil, et al., 2013). Additionally, company should sell their inventory in cash or decline the credit period to increase their profitability. On the other side, companys cash inflow is less and cash outflows are high. Hence, the company should adopt effective marketing strategies to sell their goods and services. This strategy includes the sales promotion, discount, and online and offline marketing strategy (Zaimah, et al., 2015). As a result, the company can increase its cash inflow from operating activities. Moreover, the company should borrow the fund from capital and money market (bond, notes, and mortgage) to increase their cash inflow (Warren, et al., 2013). Furthermore, the company should sell its old machinery to increase its cash inflow. As a result, the company can improve their cash flow position. References Amiram, D., Bozanic, Z., and Rouen, E. (2015) Financial statement errors: evidence from the distributional properties of financial statement numbers, Review of Accounting Studies,20(4), pp. 1540-1593. Baiman, S. (2014) Some Ideas for Further Research in Managerial Accounting,Journal of Management Accounting Research,26(2), pp. 119-121. Beatty, A., and Liao, S. (2014) Financial accounting in the banking industry: A review of the empirical literature,Journal of Accounting and Economics, 58(2), pp. 339-383. Bebbington, J., Unerman, J., and O'Dwyer, B. (2014)Sustainability accounting and accountability. UK: Routledge. Boral Limited (2013) Annual Report. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 13 September 2016). Boral Limited (2015) Annual Report. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 13 September 2016). Boral Limited (2014) Annual Report. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 13 September 2016). 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(2013) Financial accounting: an introduction to concepts, methods and uses. USA: Cengage Learning. Weygandt, J. J., Kimmel, P. D., and Kieso, D. E. (2015)Financial and Managerial Accounting. USA: John Wiley and Sons. Zadek, S., Evans, R., and Pruzan, P. (2013)Building corporate accountability: Emerging practice in social and ethical accounting and auditing. UK: Routledge. Zaimah, R., Masud, J., Haron, S. A., Sarmila, M. S., and Awang, A. H. (2015) Financial decision making among the dual-income families in Malaysia, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,6(4), P. 70.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Metropolis Part 2Scenes From A Memory(1999) by Dream Theater free essay sample

Its honestly been a while since my last Dream Theater album review. Well, now, we will be focusing on one of the most heartwrenching stories of all time. This story is about a man who falls asleep revisiting the past to when the love of his life died(which is unexplained). He then lets out his anger and sadness on other people whove seen this Fatal Tragedy and was the topic for many years. After therapy, he sets out to find the girl and finds a way to reach her again, by killing himself as well. They then, fall in love in the afterlife and do The Dance if Eternity to love a happily ever after. Great story and Dream Theater`s first of two concept albums. Touching story and one of the best that Ive heard in music if not, the best. The poetic lyrics that LaBrie pulls off almost flawlessly. We will write a custom essay sample on Metropolis Part 2:Scenes From A Memory(1999) by Dream Theater or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The instrumentation is excellent as well fitting with the mood of the story at that point. Did I mention its in the style of a play? If you dont believe me then here, all of the tracks are labeled with a scene number and there are two separate acts in the play styled album. You will feel every but of emotion that they throw at you. This my favorite Dream Theater album for most of the reasons I mentioned above but theres one more thing, the instrumentals are completely crazy. Take a look at Overture 1928 and Dance of Eternity and tell me they arent going crazy on this album. A,little fun fact I`d like to throw out there is that I even have the full guitar tracks for the album(even though I have no idea how to play a guitar. I could still use a violin for it though). I cant imagine any Dream Theater fan not liking this masterpiece of an album. Then again, when is something liked by everyone? Never. The best Dream Theater album to date so far. I have to give it a 10/10. I am the Grim R eaper, signing off.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Greek Words Used to Name Dinosaurs

The Greek Words Used to Name Dinosaurs If it sometimes seems as if the names of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals come from another language, well, theres a simple explanation: the names of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals really do come from another language. Traditionally, paleontologists the world over use Greek to christen new species and genera - not only of dinosaurs, but also of birds, mammals, and even microbes. Partly this is a matter of convention, but partly its rooted in common sense: classical Greek and Latin have been the shared languages of scholars and scientists for hundreds of years. (Lately, though, there has been a trend for using non-Greek roots to name dinosaurs and prehistoric animals; hence sibilant beasts like Suuwassea and Thililua.) But enough about all that: what good does this information do you if you have to decode a mouthful of a name like Micropachycephalosaurus? The following is a list of the most common Greek words used in dinosaur names, along with their English equivalents. If you want to have some fun, try assembling your own fictional dinosaur from the ingredients below (heres a nonsense example to get you started: Tristyracocephalogallus, or the extremely rare three-headed spiky chicken.) Numbers Mono OneDi TwoTri ThreeTetra FourPenta Five Body Parts Brachio ArmCephalo HeadCerato HornCheirus HandColepio KnuckleDactyl FingerDerma SkinDon, dont ToothGnathus JawLopho CrestNychus ClawOphthalmo EyeOps FacePhysis FacePtero WingPteryx FeatherRhampho BeakRhino NoseRhyncho SnoutTholus DomeTrachelo Neck Animal Types Anato DuckAvis BirdCetio WhaleCyno DogDraco DragonGallus ChickenHippus HorseIchthyo FishMus MouseOrnitho, Ornis BirdSaurus LizardStruthio OstrichSuchus CrocodileTaurus Bull Size and Shape Baro HeavyBrachy ShortMacro BigMegalo HugeMicro SmallMorpho ShapedNano TinyNodo KnobbedPlaco, Platy FlatSphaero RoundTitano GiantPachy ThickSteno NarrowStyraco Spiked Behavior Archo RulingCarno Meat-eatingDeino, Dino TerribleDromeus RunnerGracili GracefulLestes RobberMimus MimicRaptor Hunter, ThiefRex KingTyranno TyrantVeloci Fast Times, Places, and Assorted Features Antarcto AntarcticArchaeo AncientAustro SouthernChasmo CleftCoelo HollowCrypto HiddenEo DawnEu Original, FirstHetero DifferentHydro WaterLago LakeMio MioceneNycto NightOvi EggPara Near, AlmostPelta ShieldPlio PliocenePro, Proto BeforeSarco FleshStego RoofThalasso Ocean

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Health Planning and Regulations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Health Planning and Regulations - Essay Example This paper aims at discussing United Health Group Company profiled in America’s Health Insurance plan, discussing its program and opinion on how it will improve the education of the people it is targeting. The America Health Insurance plan has more than 1200 companies which sells health insurance to more that 250 million of Americans. One of the companies profiled in the Insurance Plan is United Health Group Company. This institution plays a great role in advocating health literacy to Americans, because, they are responsible for making it difficult or easier for people to use and find health services and information. It provides current health information, which is important for most Americans to make decisions on their health. Health Literacy can affect both people with education skills or not. It is a challenge to many individuals, like when they are not aware of medical terms and how their bodies function. Additionally, sometimes they are forced to interpret risks or numbers in order to make decisions based on their health, or when they are diagnosed with scary illness. Some individuals have complex conditions, which require complicated self-care. According to, Health (23-36) lack of health literacy affects adults in all ethnic and racial groups. Both uninsured and insured adults have low literacy and health skills. Additionally, both college graduates and high school graduates can have limited literacy. United Health Group Company program helps both unschooled and schooled understand and acquire health information. The company’s program consists of health education campaigns that are designed to help the Americans and their families understand group laws and health benefits which govern them, especially when they are experiencing changes in the works, childbirth, retirement, job loss, work situations and marriages. It helps in educating them on some of the benefits of health coverage

Monday, February 10, 2020

Buying Decision Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Buying Decision Assignment - Essay Example rchase the laptop was also influenced by the social needs such as engaging with my friends and relatives through social sites including tweeter and face book. Based on my interest to understand the culture of other people, the laptop could assist me to research on ethnicity of other people including their languages and beliefs. Before I made my purchase, I had first to compare the prices in various shops as well as the best brand that could meet my needs. Additionally, a number of customers were still looking for the same laptop during the early morning hours. The major factors influenced my purchase decision were efficiency, dependability, motivation and learning. As a new technology that is adopted my individuals and organizations, I realized that the laptop would assist me in storing information, providing solutions through the use of software, give me motivation during my research as well as make learning process easier. The purchase was a high involvement decision. In most cases, consumers go for personal computers rather than laptops due to the high prices of the laptops. Additionally, laptops have a high risk of getting a fault especially if improperly handled. As compared to my expectations after purchase, I realized that I had to extensively study most of the applications that were in the laptop as well as add more software into it in order to meet all my needs. One of the key concepts that I have learned from this assignment is that consumers are guided by various factors during their purchasing process (Kerin 31). These include economic needs, psychological variables, social needs, culture, and reasons for

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Business Ethics - Discrimination Essay Example for Free

Business Ethics Discrimination Essay Discrimination is defined as distinguishing something from something else (i. e. don’t hire him because he has no experience). Unjustified discrimination is distinguishing something from something else on a basis that is not justified (i. e. don’t hire him because he is black). The term discrimination commonly replaces the term unjustified discrimination in business, philosophy, psychology and day-to-day community life. In a just and fair society, such as we Canadians aspire to, a job applicant’s race, ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age, orientation, mental ability, or physical condition should not disadvantage them in career choices or job competitions. If a short Asian female firefighter can do the job, she should get the job. Conversely she should not expect to receive concessions that are not available to all; that is in effect also discrimination. Unfortunately, discrimination often arises in business in regards to hiring, job placement, wage, and promotion. Affirmative Action Ideally, discrimination should be of no concern at all; everyone should have an equal opportunity to anything. In a perfect world a hiring manager would not have to think thoughts such as, â€Å"They are disabled, they are women, they are aboriginal,† and would only think, â€Å"This person will be perfect for the job because†¦. † Unfortunately this may never completely happen. For example if a person in a wheelchair applies to be a stock person at Costco and another person who is not in a wheelchair applies for the same position the manager will be debating, â€Å"Should I hire the person who cannot walk because I want to be socially responsible? Or should I hire the person who can walk, who will probably do a better job and who I won’t have to make special accommodations for? † Another example is a man and a woman who are applying to be a nurse on the obstetrics ward; they have both just graduated and have exactly the same experience. If only one position is available who is more likely to be hired? Affirmative action programs often come into place to encourage equal opportunity. Affirmative action refers to policies or rograms that take factors such as; age, sex, race, color or religion and give preferential treatment to people that belong to an identifiable disadvantaged group, or outgroup. Cons Reverse discrimination occurs when preferential treatment is given to one person and the other is left out. For example if a woman is hired to work in an oil patch just because she is a woman and man is not hired (perhaps only because of quota requirements), he will experience reverse discrimination. This may in fact v iolate a province’s human rights code. Some would also argue that it is wrong to place at a disadvantage a current day job applicant in order to attempt to compensate for historical wrong treatment of certain categories of job applicants. Merit may not exist if affirmative action is in place. A situation could arise where an applicant may deserve a job more because he or she has more education and more experience than the hired applicant who is disabled, if the hiring was done only in the interest of a representative workplace. May condescend or offend outgroups because the people belonging to that group don’t believe they need preferential treatment in order to succeed. Affirmative action creates a perception that all racial minorities or physically disabled persons have low self image, poor job marketing skills, missed opportunities, and are in need government regulated assistance. Efficiency may be compromised if a company is forced to hirer a proportionally representative workforce. Instead of hiring the best fitting candidate, companies would be forced to seek out a visible minority or a disabled candidate. This simply is not good business practice. A company should be free to hire the best candidate. Morale and workplace cooperation may be negatively impacted by a person being hired because of affirmative action policies which clearly give special considerations not available to all. The outgroup may develop a sense of entitlement that is not supported by the majority of the workers. Affirmative action may cause a widening of the gap (and an affirmation of bigotry) instead of a diverse and inclusive work force. For example, a white man at a steel factory may think that he got his job because he is qualified for it while being angry that the Asian man only got hired because there were no other Asians working in the plant and the hiring manager did not want to be discriminating. Pros Assistance in obtaining a desired job may be necessary for members of an identifiable disadvantaged group, or outgroup, since discrimination may make it difficult to establish a career. For example, men can be excellent nurses, but if a female hiring officer doesn’t understand or embrace the benefits of diversity, the obstetrics ward would have all female nurses. Another example might be a hair dressing trainee who is in a wheelchair; this applicant may have more obstacles to overcome and more convincing to do with a prospective employer. It is not fair, or just, that these applicants would have to be much better that the â€Å"normal† kind of applicant in order to be desirable to the employer. This â€Å"assistance† is given in affirmative action plans such as requiring employers to choose the disadvantaged applicant when all other skills are equal. Affirmative action makes working in different areas more desirable. Ex, Okanagan College has free introductory welding courses for women only. If colleges did not have these affirmative action programs there would probably be less female welders. This creates an incentive for a member of an outgroup to step forward and be part of the creation of workplace diversity. Affirmative action ensures justice for those who have historically been oppressed. Although hopefully not in Canada, there may still be a stigma attached to those whose ancestors were slaves, lower class, or aboriginal and thus seen as lesser that those with good career jobs. Some people may believe that affirmative action is necessary to change the attitudes of society by mandating a diverse work force. Canada cannot ignore the fact that a few generations ago a person with mental challenges or physical disabilities would not have been offered a position if there was a reasonable candidate who was considered â€Å"normal. † Affirmative action envisions a just work place where everyone is normal because the new normal is diverse and inclusive. Affirmative action encourages a representative work force. If 2% of the community’s population is visually impaired, then in a company of 100 employees, there should be a least two people who have some kind of sight impairment. In Canada, 3% of the population is aboriginal; therefore, there should be three members of a First Nation employed at the above company. A disabled person aged 25 to 44 accounts for 8% of the population. Statistically speaking, the above company, if it were in British Columbia, should have 27 employees who are recent immigrants. With roughly 60% of Canada’s population being Caucasian, all the numbers above would create a representative work force. It could be described as a diverse, dynamic, and exciting place to work; but does it exist? By requiring the inclusion of a representative work force affirmative action will in the long term change attitudes and encourage diversity. Thesis Affirmative action programs are still necessary to ensure equal opportunities in the work place and to encourage diversity, which over time will extinguish discrimination and contribute to a just, fair, and tolerant society. History I believe discrimination stems from history. If a young person learned from parents, schools, or media that women are not good trade workers, they will continue this discrimination for generations. This is what happens in all forms of discrimination because discrimination is learned. Discrimination can be reduced in a society with the influence of laws, education, and incentives. Affirmative action mandates exposure, which with encouragement by supportive government and ethical businesses will result in workplace diversity, and that over time will influence the thinking of society as a whole. Further Discussion: Continue Affirmative Action Dimock and Tucker thoroughly discussed their views on affirmative action policies about how such policies cause problems for employment equity in Canada. Dimock and Tucker did not discuss why such policies may still be necessary and did not thoroughly discuss a solution to discrimination. Their conclusion, while pointing out that affirmative action programs have not met intended goals, does not offer concrete solutions other than education. I disagree that the young should be the only target to ensure against discrimination. Youth can be racist, sexist, and exclusive. That’s why our society has a large problem with bullying. If discrimination is a learned trait, then the youth are learning it from above, and that is precisely the target of affirmative action. I believe affirmative action should still be used to some extent in order to encourage diversification. I think a combination of education and the experience of exposure is more useful that a single target group (such as educating the young). If groups (young, school aged, post secondary, and the work force) are created with diverse and representative participants, the likelihood of all groups beginning to like each other because of repeated exposure is much higher then if they remain separated. Well informed members of society who have personal experience with diversity are the least discriminating for several reasons: †¢They have been educated not be discriminating (from classes like this). †¢They have been put together in groups with all different types of people, and †¢They have become comfortable with that diversity. The result is that they have learned to be less discriminating than their peers or previous generation. For example, a white 18 year old’s great grandparents may have been what is now considered racist toward black people. In the grandparent’s time racism, even segregation, was thought of as perfectly normal, and those views were passed down generation to generation. However, through education and exposure racism was slowly extinguished until we have a grade 12 student who welcomes a new immigrant from Zambia. Instead of being completely racist like his great grandparents the 18 year old now only believes the stereotype that all black people like rap music which he hates. The next generation will (hopefully) not even notice that a black person is in the group. If affirmative action continues it will help the top (the existing generation of employers) meet the bottom (the well informed and accepting job applicant) and the result will be a tolerant, inclusive, and diverse work place. The attitudes of the work place will in time influence society as a whole. Conclusion I was lucky enough to learn about discrimination in both psychology and philosophy class in the same week. Although solutions are not offered in this paper, I believe discrimination can be eliminated through education and diversification. If it were normal to have a representative and diverse â€Å"melting pot† of opportunities and experiences, there would be no need to practice discrimination. Diversification is good. It makes a community tolerant and compassionate; it makes a secure and exciting place to live. Including all groups in all employment opportunities will ultimately create a better society – the melting pot that Canada so prides its identity in. Affirmative action plans ensure that the work place will contribute to this pride.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Character of Falstaff in Shakespeares Henry IV, Part I Essay

The Character of Falstaff in Henry IV, Part I      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare's genius in character and plot development is exemplified in two of his most complex history plays, Richard II and Henry IV, Part I. With these sequential plays, Shakespeare vividly develops characters and sets up complicated plots by juxtapositioning people with others. Specifically, he first creates a binary opposition between Richard and Bolingbrook in Richard II, and then, recalls the plot and carries out an almost mirror image character contrast with Hal and Hotspur in Henry IV, Part I. However, in typical Shakespeare fashion, the seemingly mirror-image binaries of Richard/Bolingbrook and Hal/Hotspur break down with Shakespeare's character complexity.    A major reason why these character parallels do not perfectly hold up is because of the marvelous character of Falstaff. Absent from Richard II, Falstaff is introduced in Henry IV to create intricacy and ambiguity regarding likenesses among these characters. Falstaff significantly complicates the Hotspur-is-to-Bolingbrook-as-Hal-is-to-Richard II assumption because Falstaff has so much in common with the King. Therefore, as opposed to Hotspur's becoming the Bolingbrook persona, it is the drunken and disorderly Falstaff who becomes the character most parallel to the King. However, the King associates himself with Hotspur, who, as his name suggests, is a relentless warrior. The King puts forth a sense that Hotspur will act as Bolingbrook did in Richard II, by challenging the Prince's right to the throne; he feels that Bolingbrook's rivalry with Richard is reflected in Hotspur's position as Hal's challenger.    In the first scene of Henry IV, Part I, King Henry immediately ... ...tspur seems unfitting. Adding complexity to characterization through his comical action, Falstaff is a crucial character in Henry IV, Part I, and it is through the character of Falstaff that we see the parallel between Hotspur and Bolingbrook breaks down.    Works Cited and Consulted Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. H.C. Robinson's Memoranda Henry IV, Signet Classic, pp. 236-237. Goldman, Michael. Shakespeare and the Energies of Drama Henry IV, Signet Classic, pp. 260-261. Johnson, Samuel. The Plays of William Shakespeare Henry IV, Signet Classic, pp.234- 235. Kahn, Coppelia. Man's Estate: Masculine Identity in Shakespeare Henry IV, Signet Classic, pp.262-266. Shakespeare, William. Henry IV, Part I, ed. M.A. Shaaber, Penguin Books (NY: 1985). Wilson, John Dover. The Fortunes of Falstaff Henry IV, Signet Classic, pp.238-243.   

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

More so than any other issue facing us we must all start to reduce our ecological footprint

Yes, we must start to reduce our ecological footprint as developement of the world over the past 20 years has proven to be unsustainable. Meaning that we are actually living beyond our means e. g. A quarter of all fish stocks are overharvested, Humans now use between 40% and 50% of all available freshwater running off the land and deforestation increase risks of various deadly diseases such as malaria and cholera. Our way of life is placing an increasing burden on the planet and this can certainly not be sustained. To be sustainable, nature's resources must only be used at a rate which they can be replenished naturally. Scientific evidence shows now that humanity is living in n unsustainable way. Humans are consuming the Earth's limited natural resources more rapidly than they are being replaced by nature. Now a human effort to keep human use of natural resources within the sustainable development aspect of the Earth's finite resource limits is now an issue of huge importance to the present and future of humanity. â€Å"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. † As our world population increases rapidly our use of natural resources cannot go on forever and unless we start to make progress with reconciling these contradictions everybody, where ever they are will face a much less certain and secure lifestyle to the lifestyle we live in today. No, we don't have to reduce our ecological footprint as the world we live in right now is suffering from much worse issues presently and so in dealing with the issue of the footprint brings alot of limitations. The term ecological foot print also lacks a temporal dimension. For example, safe custody, monitoring and storage of high level nuclear waste will tie up people, corporations and land for over 100,000 years. For it to be successful will require political will, social stability and unwavering purpose through those millennia. This, too, will impose its load on the planet, both directly and in terms of the opportunity cost. The â€Å"given population† in the definition above needs to be specified: is it the human population? The population of all animals? The population of all life? In my personal opinion, I agree with the concept of reducing our ecological footprint as it is seriously harmful to the world both presently and for future generations. Although I realise that there is a for and against argument for this cause, I find myself leaning more towards the Yes side of the argument because I believe we should respect this Earth not destroy it, as it is the only one we've got. The earth cannot be replaced and neither can all the natural resources we use up or destroy so rapidly without a moments thought to both the consequences and meaning.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Speech on Euthanasia Essay - 1161 Words

Speech on Euthanasia I stand before you today in confrontation. I stand before you today equal to any man. I stand before you today with a challenge! I challenge any man who deems, their morals, their ethics, their beliefs, their conscience enough to find themselves fit to judge others. I challenge any man who deems himself fit to pass judgement upon another’s life. I challenge any man who believes they can play god. I challenge any man who believes in euthanasia. How can you believe in something you cannot justify? There is no justification in euthanasia so how can it even be considered to be preformed, how could anyone ever justify the taking of another’s life. A mercy killing is the†¦show more content†¦What does one do with such an old machine? It is thrown on the scrap heap. What does one do with a lame horse, with such an unproductive cow? No, I do not want to continue the comparison to the end--however fearful the justification for it and the symbolic force of it are. We are not dealing with machines, horses and cows whose only function is to serve mankind, to produce goods for man. One may smash them; one may slaughter them as soon as they no longer fulfil this function. No, we are dealing with human beings, our fellow human beings, our brothers and sisters. With poor people, sick people, if you like unproductive people. When does a life become worthless, the happiest man in the world is not necessarily the most productive, happiness and joy and love of life can remain when the ability to be productive has gone, true happiness lies within. Yet the manic depressants who have a perfect body, who are filled with hate, those who make life a desolate landscape of dejected feelings, those who turn the gift of life into a hell of misery, do they deserve life more than the terminally ill. True is it not that it is the people themselves that wish to die, that wish to be aided in suicide, to escape life to the sweet release of death. 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